Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Seven ways to make it more sustainable

Some of our daily routines are so ingrained we do them on autopilot – often not even aware we’ve done them (how many times have you wondered whether you’ve actually locked the front door?). But when we’re not consciously aware of what we’re doing, we’re also less conscious of the impact it has on the environment. And this can be particularly true when we’re taking a routine break, doing something we’ve done hundreds, if not thousands, of times before. So here are seven easy tips to help you make more mindful choices. And these small changes won’t cost you a thing – apart from a bit of attention.
Using your daily breaks to try to be more sustainable is easier than you might think. By incorporating small actions such as the ones we’ve highlighted, we can all do our bit without sacrificing enjoyment, time and money. Every mindful choice adds up and can help make our world that bit brighter.
Learn more about KitKat’s work to improve cocoa farmer livelihoods through the Income Accelerator Programme at
